Source code for pysndfile.sndio

sndio is a simple interface for reading and writing arbitrary sound files.
The module contains 3 functions.

|  **functions:**
|     :meth:`pysndfile.sndio.get_info`:: retrieve information from a sound file.
|     :meth:`pysndfile.sndio.get_markers`:: retrieve markers from aiff/ or wav files.
|     :meth:``:: read data and meta data from sound file.
|     :meth:`pysndfile.sndio.write`:: create a sound file from a given numpy array.

# Copyright (C) 2014 IRCAM
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of pysndfile.
# pysndfile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# pysndfile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with pysndfile.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from ._pysndfile import PySndfile, construct_format, stringtype_name_to_id, max_supported_string_length, fileformat_name_to_id, fileformat_id_to_name 
import numpy as np

[docs]def get_info(name, extended_info=False) : """ retrieve information from a sound file :param name: sndfile name :type name: str :param extended_info: :type extended_info: bool :return: 3 or 5 tuple with meta information read from the soundfile in case extended_info is False a 3-tuple comprising samplerate, encoding (str), major format is returned in case extended_info is True a 5-tuple comprising additionally the number of frames and the number of channels is returned. """ with PySndfile(name) as sf: if extended_info: return sf.samplerate(), sf.encoding_str(), sf.major_format_str(), sf.frames(), sf.channels() return sf.samplerate(), sf.encoding_str(), sf.major_format_str()
[docs]def get_markers(name) : """ retrieve markers from sound file :param name: sound file name :type name: str :return: list of marker tuples containing the marker time and marker label. :rtype: List Note: following the implementation of libsndfile marker labels will be empty strings for all but aiff files. """ with PySndfile(name) as sf: return sf.get_cue_mrks()
[docs]def write(name, data, rate=44100, format="aiff", enc='pcm16', sf_strings=None) : """ Write datavector to sndfile using samplerate, format and encoding as specified valid format strings are all the keys in the dict pysndfile.fileformat_name_to_id valid encodings are those that are supported by the selected format from the list of keys in pysndfile.encoding_name_to_id. :param name: sndfile name :type name: str :param data: array containing sound data. For mono files an 1d array can be given, for multi channel sound files sound frames are in the rows and data channels in the columns. :type data: numpy.array :param rate: sample rate default s to 44100 :type rate: int :param format: sndfile major format default=aiff :type format: str :param enc: sndfile encoding default=pcm16 :type enc: str :param sf_strings: dictionary containing bytes in ascii encoding to be written as meta data into the sound file. dictionary keys are limited to the keys available in `stringtype_name_to_id`` sf_strings arguments are only supported when the file format supports it. This are currently only the [aiff, wav, wavex, caf] formats. Note that each format imposes a particular limit to the length of individual strings. These lengths are stored in the dict `max_supported_string_length`. If any of your strings exceeds the limit given in that dict a RuntimeError will be produced :type sf_strings: Union[dict, None] :return: number of sample frames written. :rtype: int """ nchans = len(data.shape) if nchans == 2 : nchans = data.shape[1] elif nchans != 1: raise RuntimeError("error:sndio.write:can only be called with vectors or matrices ") with PySndfile(name, "w", format=construct_format(format, enc), channels = nchans, samplerate = rate) as sf: if sf_strings is not None: sf.set_strings(sf_strings) nf = sf.write_frames(data) if nf != data.shape[0]: raise IOError("sndio.write::error::writing of samples failed") return nf
enc_norm_map = { "pcm8" : np.float64(2**7), "pcm16": np.float64(2**15), "pcm24": np.float64(2**23), "pcm32": np.float64(2**31), }
[docs]def read(name, end=None, start=0, dtype=np.float64, return_format=False, sf_strings=None, force_2d=False): """ read samples from arbitrary sound files into a numpy array. May return subsets of samples as specified by start and end arguments (Def all samples) normalizes samples to [-1,1] if the datatype is a floating point type The returned array is 1D for mono sound files and 2D with the channels in the columns for higher number of channels. If force_2d is given mono sound files will be returned in an array with shape (num_frames, 1) *Parameters* :param name: sound file name :type name: str :param end: end sample frame position (not included into the segment to be returned) default=None -> read all samples :type end: Union[int, None] :param start: first sample frame to read default=0 :type start: int :param dtype: data type of the numpy array that will be returned. :type dtype: numpy.dtype :param return_format: if set then the return tuple will contain an additional element containing the sound file major format :type return_format: bool :param sf_strings: if a dict is given the dict elements will be set to the strings that are available in the sound file. :type sf_strings: Union[None,dict] :param force_2d: forces the returned array to have 2 dimensions with :type force_2d: bool :return: 3 or 4 -tuple containing data (1d for mon sounds 2d for multi channel sounds, where channels are in the columns), samplerate (int) and encoding (str), in case return_format is True then the next element contains the major format of the sound file (can be used to recreate a sound file with an identical format). :rtype: Union[Tuple(numpy.array, int, str),Tuple(numpy.array, int, str, str)] """ with PySndfile(name) as sf: enc = sf.encoding_str() nf =, 0) if not nf == start: raise IOError(" while seeking at starting position") if end == None: ff = sf.read_frames(sf.frames() - start, dtype=dtype, force_2d=force_2d) else: ff = sf.read_frames(end-start, dtype=dtype, force_2d=force_2d) if isinstance(sf_strings, dict): sf_strings.clear() sf_strings.update(sf.get_strings()) if return_format: return ff, sf.samplerate(), enc, sf.major_format_str() return ff, sf.samplerate(), enc